Differential diagnosis includes lichen planus, lupus, leukoedema, candidosis, white sponge naevus, frictional lesions, morsicatio lesions, contact lesions, and smoker’s palate. Histopathological study of leukoplakia allows the clinician: 1.- to exclude any other definable lesions; and


Oral leukoplakia has a broad differential diagnosis, and the most important conditions that need to be excluded during workup are: early stages of oropharyngeal candidiasis (thrush), hairy leukoplakia (a constitutive feature of human immunodeficiency virus - HIV infection), lichen planus, lupus erythematosus, secondary syphilis, leukoedema, frictional keratosis, and aspirin burns [1] [2].

2). In proliferative leukoplakia, the most common type is the non-homogenous type, especially the verrucous type (for further discussion, see Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia in VisualDx). Diagnostic Pearls The majority of leukoplakias are sharply demarcated from the surrounding tissues. Differential Diagnosis … Clinical differential diagnosis would range from Frictional Keratosis, Homogenous Leukoplakia, Papilloma, Papillary Hyperplasia, Cowdens Syndrome, Verrucous Hyperplasia and Verrucous Carcinoma.

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1955;72(6):599. doi:10.1001/archderm.1955.03730360105022. Download citation file: 2021-01-12 The lesions were nonscrappable and nontender. It was raised 0.5 mm over the surface. No bleeding from the site was noticed. Based on the history and clinical examination, a provisional diagnosis of bilateral homogeneous leukoplakia was considered.

Image: Caption: Figure 1: A characteristic well-defined white patch of homogeneous leukoplakia on the left commissure in this bidi smoker.Note the pigmented areas (arrow) commonly observed in habitual smokers, posterior to the leukoplakia.

An international working group has amended the earlier WHO definition as follows: "The term leukoplakia should be used to recognise white plaques of questionable risk having excluded (other) known diseases or disorders that carry no risk for cancer". Leukoplakias are commonly homogeneous and most are benign.

Since the white patches of leukoplakia do not cause symptoms, they are often first noticed by healthcare providers during a routine examination. Before a diagnosis of leukoplakia is made, other possible causes of the white patches are investigated.

Differential diagnosis of homogenous leukoplakia

Differential diagnosis includes lichen planus, lupus, leukoedema, candidosis, white sponge naevus, frictional lesions, morsicatio lesions, contact lesions, and smoker’s palate. Histopathological study of leukoplakia allows the clinician: 1.- to exclude any other definable lesions; and

Traditionally, leukoplakias are clinically subdivided in a homogeneous and a non-homogeneous variant. In homogeneous leukoplakia the lesion is uniformly white and the surface is flat or slightly wrinkled. In non-ho-mogeneous leukoplakia there is a mixed white-and-red Differential diagnosis: Surface debris. This can be scrapped off with a tongue blade or gauze Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis (Thrush). White, curd-like or cottony patches or plaques, most frequently occurring Fordyce granules Reactive hyperkeratosis. A benign epithelial response, usually due Conclusions: The differential diagnosis of oral lichen planus - particularly its reticular form - and homogenous leukoplakia should be based on anamnesis, physical examination and histological Differential Diagnosis of Leukoplakia Frictional keratosis Burn (thermal/chemical) Hyperplastic candidiasis Lichen planus In this short monograph of 62 pages, another in the American Lecture Series, some unusual statistics are presented; distant foci of infection are incriminated as being causative of oral leucoplakia; a rare case is cited of white plaques in the mouth produced presumably by phenobarbital, and the name Leukoplakia is the most common potentially malignant disorder occuring in the oral cavity.

Differential diagnosis of homogenous leukoplakia

Differential diagnosis. White lesions of oral mucosa often present problems.
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Mild leukoplakia is usually harmless and often goes away on its own, but it may be a sign of a more  Some alterations of the oral mucosa can mimic OL, and these lesions must be considered as OL differential diagnosis. So, for the establishment of a correct  Nov 25, 2020 Homogeneous leukoplakia with surface fissuring and sharply defined Another entity that may be included in the differential diagnosis is  Apr 11, 2016 Describe leukoplakia in detail, giving differential diagnosis. Ans. Homogenous white plaques have no red component but have a fine, white,  Jul 20, 2017 The etiology of oral leukoplakia is multifactorial, and many causes are Homogenous leukoplakia comprises of uniformly white plaques that  tumor necrosis factor alpha in patients with oral leukoplakia. Oral.

Leukoplakia (homogenous, nodular or speckled and verrucous) ii. Erythroplakia. iii.
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A clinical diagnosis of leukoplakia A clinical diagnosis or differential diagnosis of a mu-cosal lesion is the result of a number of parameters. The importance of each parameter varies according to the type of lesion. The parameters and their relevance with regard to the establishment of a clinical diagnosis of leukoplakia have been listed in

Oral hairy leukoplakia shows a gently papillated surface, a prominent horny layer with c … Figure 1: Homogeneous oral leukoplakia in the left lateral border and ventrum of the tongue. Figure 2: Non-homogeneous oral leukoplakia. White plaques intermixed with red patches.

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Definitive diagnosis is through biopsy and histological evaluation of the lesion. In situ hybridisation technique demonstrates the presence of EBV in the tissue. Syphilitic leukoplakia

2019-05-14 · Oral hairy leukoplakia: Rough and hairy lesions form on the sides of the tongue due to infections caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Syphilitic leukoplakia: It is commonly seen in syphilis patients. The causative agent, in this case, is Treponema pallidum. Diagnosis.

Conclusions: The differential diagnosis of oral lichen planus - particularly its reticular form - and homogenous leukoplakia should be based on anamnesis, physical examination and histological

Streszczenie Wprowadzenie: postać ustna liszaja płaskiego i leukoplakia są częstymi chorobami błony śluzowej jamy ustnej.

Case report on oral leukoplakia with superadded fungal infection Mahalaxmi L. Lature, Krishna Burde Departments of Oral Medicine and Radiology, SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka, India Abstract Leukoplakia of the oral cavity is a precancerous lesion has a malignant potential and life threatening if not diagnosed early.